Uses for Fruitcake – Christmas Game


Are you looking for a fun Right/Left gift exchange game for Christmas?  Look no further!  This game is a fun gift giving game for your Christmas event.  It features a funny story based on everyone’s favorite holiday food… Fruitcake!


You will receive:

  • The full “Uses for Fruitcake” themed RIGHT/LEFT Gift Exchange Christmas Game story in an easy-to-print outline including instructions on how to play.
  • Permission to print and reuse for your personal gatherings.

This does not include a license to republish online or elsewhere.

A few lines from the “Uses for Fruitcake” Christmas Game:

Some well-meaning (or maybe not well-meaning) friend or relative has LEFT you with a fruitcake as a holiday gift. Lucky you! You have no clue what to do with the thing other than chuck it out, RIGHT?

But wait, before you toss it out, there may be some alternative uses for that lovely, lumpy cake-brick full of red and green bits of gelatinous goo. Fruitcake is uncommonly dense since it’s apparently made of LEFT-over bottle corks and pencil erasers… (continued on PDF)

Merry Christmas!

uses for fruitcake christmas gift exchange game
Uses for Fruitcake – Christmas Game