Love doesn’t always blossom right away. Use the following story based on love letters as a fun way to hand out gifts or door prizes over Valentine’s Day or even a marriage retreat.

Each guest receives a gift and takes a place in a circle. The story is read aloud with guests passing the gifts either to their RIGHT or LEFT as the story prompts. The gift they are holding at the end of the game is the one they open. That way no one knows for sure what they’ll end up with!
Love Letters – Valentine Gift Game Script
Dear Suzie,
I hate you. I wish I didn’t have to sit RIGHT next to you. The teacher says there isn’t anywhere else LEFT to sit unless I want to sit RIGHT next to her. That isn’t happening. I guess I’m stuck with you. It’s not RIGHT to make a boy sit RIGHT next to a
And you are the
Yours truly,
P.S. I hope you like the frog I LEFT in your lunch bag.
Dear Suzie,
RIGHT now, I still think you are gross, but I also think it’s kind of cool how you can hit a baseball all the way to LEFT field. The other boys won’t say it, but you LEFT us all amazed. I hope you understand why I LEFT you off my team though. It isn’t RIGHT, but I have a reputation to protect, you know. The guys would laugh me RIGHT off the field if I picked you for my team.
Yours truly,
P.S. Do you think you can give me a few batting tips RIGHT after school today?
Dear Suzie,
I LEFT a seat open for you at lunch today. I was pretty disappointed when you went over and sat RIGHT next to Billy T. He’s not the RIGHT kind of guy to hang around. Maybe now isn’t the RIGHT time to do this, but you have LEFT me no choice. Will you go steady with me? You know I’ll treat you RIGHT. Much better than Billy T. will anyway. Think it over and let me know before I’ve LEFT for the day.
Yours truly,
P.S. You’re still going to the Homecoming Dance with me, RIGHT?
Dear Suzie,
There are only a few hours LEFT before we become husband and wife. I’m not nervous really. I know we have made the RIGHT decision. I always knew you were the RIGHT girl for me. Even back in the days when I pulled your hair and LEFT frogs in your lunch bag.
Thanks for sticking with me when others would have LEFT me on my own. I am so glad that from this day forward I will have you RIGHT by my side “‘til death
Yours truly,
P.S. I have much more LEFT to say, but I guess it can wait. We have a lifetime together to look forward to!
Dear Suzie,
Fifty years of marriage have flown RIGHT by! It seems like only yesterday that you were the girl in pigtails sitting RIGHT next to me in school. It LEFT me frustrated back then, but now I know it was
I don’t know where I would be if that teacher had not sat me RIGHT beside you. You have been my best friend for so long and I’m LEFT with a lifetime of wonderful memories. You have my heart RIGHT now and forever more.
Yours truly,
P.S. I don’t think you are yucky anymore. I think you are the RIGHT girl for me!